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tisdag 29 mars 2011

Free Boddika tune+ Hotflush podcast # 13

Scuba´s hot flush recordings is generously  giving a away a new tune by Boddika (Instra:mental) . To be honest I´m personally feeling the Instra:mental sound more than their  recent experimentation as the Boddika alias but this tune is worth a listen and best of all, it´s free. 
Grab it here:

If that wasn´t enough the latest installment of the mighty Hot Flush podcast is of the chain! It´s by Twisted from the duttydubz crew out of Germany who I don´t really know much about. All  I know is I haven´t heard a studiomix in this genre that´s this good in quite a while. Get it here:

Podcast 13-Twisted 

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